Thursday, April 10, 2014

The meaning of "creek" in Larson Creek Farm

There are a few times in the year when we can rightly to call the little waterway behind our house a creek.  Those times are in the spring with all the melting snow--in other words, now--and anytime in the summer when we have one of those huge gullywasher (and sometimes scary) rainstorms.  Otherwise it's just a little often dried up tributary heading toward Twin Falls in town and then to Lake Superior.  (We still had to abide by the Bayfield County zoning setback rules for navigable streams, which was that we had to build either 75 or 100 feet back.  I suppose if the rainstorms ever get REALLY scary, I'll be happy to be that far back!)

But here's how it looked today:
Pretty fun to see and hear!

And in checking out the sites in town today, we saw a few other places where water was pooling.  It still pools instead of sinking in because the ground is still frozen.  The "frost hasn't gone out yet," as they say around here.

So here is the corner just down the road from us.  I think they were trying to clear out the culvert underneath the road which is probably frozen, too, but no luck yet.  Our friends who came looking for coffee around 9:00 this morning--(which was almost too early!)--thought this would be something good for the blog.

Then we drove around this afternoon to check out the sites and saw these driveways and fields that are now lakes.  Unfortunately there is still more snow to melt, so they may grow bigger and deeper before evaporation can take over.

At least it isn't going over the road yet in that location like it often does.

And, I know I said I wasn't going to mention ice caves anymore, but here is the photo from their monitoring camera from 7pm this evening.
Looks pretty soupy to me, and there are two snowmobile trails out there in the middle right that first showed up yesterday morning sometime.  Crazy people!  The one at the bottom closer to shore is some kind of animal...doesn't know enough to be crazy.

1 comment:

mm said...

I love that sound!