Thursday, April 17, 2014

A great day for snow-men, but only snow-wimps stay home!

Our three inches of snow last night compounded and multiplied overnight, blew around like crazy, and left us with a 6 inch covering and lots of drifts a foot deep or more.  My original inclination was to just let it melt--the temps were supposed to be high enough that it would.  Then I found out that Leann was coming home from Rochester today so I had to do something with those drifts right outside the garage.
Time to get out the snow blower!
It was so wet and so deep where the drifts were, I just had to power through to get it cleared off.

And then I was going to wait for the town plow to come and do the rest.  And they didn't come.  Turns out, when it's this far into spring, they don't like to do driveways like ours because they aren't frozen anymore and it's a good chance they will just tear it all up.  So...they are also relying on my original plan, to let it melt.

But Leann was coming home and I had a meeting to go to.  All I could see from the house was a sea of white, so I decided to check out the situation by walking out to the mailbox.  The mail was there, the roads were all cleared off. It was time for me to quit being a snow-wimp and just drive out...just do it.  And it was no problem at all!  I drove in and out several times so it would be easier for Leann with the lower car.  Then I left for my meeting, almost on time.  

No snow-wimps here!

1 comment:

John Robert McFarland said...

A house near us now has a five-foot tall snow Easter bunny on its lawn.