Sunday, March 2, 2014

March-ing on in Swedish!

In the interest of full B&B food disclosure, we had an epic fail at breakfast this morning.  The pecan caramel rolls, which we have made DOZENS of times, were so bad we don't know if even the crows will eat them...and they eat everything!  But, we had enough other items for our guests to eat, and they were very understanding.  We did a little troubleshooting and maybe have figured out where it all went bad.  Now we just need to get back up on the horse, or bicycle, choose your challenge, and try it again sometime.

And there are NO pictures to remind us!

So instead of focusing on the bad, here is my new winter challenge fun that came in the mailbox yesterday - Pimsleur Swedish!
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Doing all of this genealogy and translation work has definitely inspired me.  And now I am connected again to my cousin, originally from Sweden, so there is more inspiration.  I learned about the "Pimsleur Approach" to learning languages from Older Daughter who is currently learning Spanish.  She was impressed with how they teach it and so I thought I would try it.  I was a German teacher for a few years before I became a school media specialist, and it is definitely a different way to teach languages.  But at the end of 30 minutes, the little conversation that was unintelligible at the beginning of the lesson, sounds like old hat at the end!

I was a little apprehensive because with this method you only hear the words spoken on the DVDs without seeing them until well beyond the first 10 lessons that I'm starting with.  I'm very much a visual learner, and I remember back in 5th grade in Bannockburn School when Madame Ivy was trying to teach French to our class.  It wasn't until I could see the words that it all started to make sense to me.  But now along with learning some phrases in the 30 minute session every day, I also have Ingabritt's blog postings to learn how all the words go together and how people talk in everyday situations.

And pretty soon, when/if the weather gets warm, I can connect up my iPod and practice my Swedish out on my walks!

Too fun!


mm said...

It IS going to warm up... right?! I'm sure breakfast was fine without the rolls.

Grekland nu said...

Så roligt att du försöker lära dej svenska! Jag tror det kommer att gå jättebra...

Mary Childs said...

Yes, for sure by this weekend! You made the right decision!

Mary Childs said...

It's really fun. I hear the voices of my parents and yours in my head as I'm listening to the lessons. A friend of mine who is another blogger had a theme last month of "Things kids should know." One thing I wish I had known when I was a "kid" and still had my parents around was not to be so stubborn! Both of my parents would have taught me all kinds of things in Swedish but I couldn't be bothered back then. Oh well...