Saturday, March 8, 2014

If the sign says "Pie," they will come!

It was like an episode from Prairie Home Companion or Lutheran Church Basement Women.  One member of our church, a wise, business-minded woman, had an idea, inspired others with her idea, we all ran with it, and it was a roaring success!

After several weeks of watching HUNDREDS of cars zip through our town on the weekends on the way to the Ice Caves, our wise entrepreneur decided the church needed to cash in on this winter rarity.  So, what else?  We had a bake sale!

A few phone calls this week brought forth tables full of pies, breads, cookies, bars, caramels and more.  And add to that another specialty of one of our women - cream puffs!

The hot coffee and hot chocolate was also a welcome addition to our bake sale items.  

Some people came in and sat around our tables for pie and coffee, and others took their pie and goodies to-go.  

And everyone who came in was so pleasant and cheerful, and, I think, surprised to run into our bake sale now in the middle of winter.

Of course, a lot of work goes into making all of these baked goods, so the organizers of today's event are very appreciative of all the donations that helped make this day such a success.

But the main thing, besides the food, that made our event such a success, the thing that got people to turn off the main road and drive the two blocks down to our church, was an idea from our Pastor Nancy Hanson.  She walked in this morning with this sandwich board - all it said was "PIE," - and THAT'S what slowed people down enough to check us out.  That's her under all that sign and winter clothing!

It was a great day.  LOTS of people who were strangers now know a little more about Port Wing and we are all smiling a little brighter! 

1 comment:

John Robert McFarland said...

Probably the best sermon she will ever preach...